2023 Best Use of Technology: Design Efficiency

AppHub design reviews solution


Digital AECOM supported our Programme Management (PRGM) team on a $15bn project to regenerate an ancient city. Using agile methodology, the solution was developed to manage data related to design reviews. Information journey concept utilized to first, enter the information: User interface was built to track and comment on design reviews; then, store the data: easily scalable centralized structured database; and lastly, information output: reporting layer, bringing interactive and valuable insights to reviewers, the PRGM team and the client. Automations built around the data captured mitigates possible risks in missing deadlines for sign-offs or submissions, while allowing hundreds of Subject Matter Experts to work on the same review package simultaneously, all tracked in a centralized single source of truth database.

NetCreate, for water network planning


NetCreate is a digital process using global opensource GIS datasets to automatically create outline water and wastewater networks. It combines topographic data, road layouts and population data to assign a route from prospective water sources to catchment demands, or for the collection of wastewater flows. Atkins was appointed by Anglian Water, on behalf of WaterAid, to use NetCreate to accelerate water network layout planning in Lahan, Nepal, as charitable support to WaterAid’s Beacon Project. Using NetCreate, 170km of high-level water networks were generated in three months. NetCreate is a unique solution to the planning of water and wastewater networks. It has the potential to be scaled up across regions to help accelerate the provision of clean water and sanitation to improve the lives of those where it is needed most, in line with United Nations Sustainability Goal No. 6.

Sizewell C Model Object Data Dictionary


Automation and digitalisation in the design delivery phase generates valuable data for driving design efficiency. Atkins is driving the implementation of Model Object Data Dictionary to deliver a data enabled Sizewell C. The MODD facilitates effective communication in design, maintaining data integrity and quality, reducing errors and inconsistencies in the digital model. It enables analysis and automation of quantity take offs, 4D planning, clash detection, cost estimation and in the future, lifecycle management. Using the Project’s MODD Tools with data extraction, attribute appending and model data validation capabilities, the project has achieved standardization, interoperability across design tools and increased productivity by leveraging data insights to drive the designs. With 100,000s of elements within the models, automation of MODD within Civil 3D plays an integral role in time and cost optimisation. The project presents a Model-Centric and data- driven strategy benchmark in digital delivery of Major Projects in the Construction industry.

MeSDO: Room requirements web application

Mott MacDonald

Our Room Requirements Web Application revolutionises requirements management for metro station design by dynamically mapping dependencies between rooms and assets, enabling standardisation and coordination across multiple stations within a project. With a user-friendly interface and comprehensive data model, the tool dynamically manages relationships of assets to requirements and other assets. It provides a structure which enables rooms to be replicated and, in doing so, accurately maps their dependencies from parent to child level. The implementation of our tool has facilitated enhanced visibility of dependencies and standardised design practices. Transforming static data into a dynamic format eliminates delays and ensures complex asset relationships are managed effectively. We believe our application can play a crucial role in addressing cost and schedule overruns in infrastructure projects and are excited to take it forward.

Digital delivery with Moata Geospatial and Inspect

Mott MacDonald

The adoption of Moata Geospatial (MGO) and Moata Inspect (MIN) has allowed Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB) to transform conventional project delivery methods using centralised and robust cloud-based platforms to capture and host key geospatial datasets across Yorkshire Water’s delivery framework. The combined systems approach has created an automated bidirectional link between data collection (MIN) and data visualisation (MGO), allowing real-time analysis to be undertaken using the custom tools and functionality offered by both Moata systems. The resulting savings are estimated at £40,000 (over 800 hours of designer time), across the three months since inception. At MMB, we are now able to spend more time extracting true value from data and less time following outdated data processes. With five organisations currently working collaboratively across the platforms, our ambition is to include all other framework partners, as we strive towards maximising efficiencies in the design and delivery of our projects.

Skye 132kV Reinforcement Project: GeoBIM Trial

SSEN Transmission and Arcadis

The use of technology is making a significant impact on SSEN’s Skye Reinforcement Project through the trial of a new software platform, GeoBIM, which is being developed through a year-long collaboration with Arcadis, which commenced in late 2022. The trial involves leveraging the interfaces between ESRI, Bentley and SSEN’s Autodesk environment to create a new approach to organisational data collaboration. A notable example involves changing the way in which ground investigation (GI) data is shared and utilised in early design. GI data is brought into 3D models in a user-friendly interface, enabling data to be viewed quickly and collaboratively, improving overall design efficiency and enabling more informed design choices. Following the trial, the ambition is to expand the project remit to develop a partnership between SSEN and Arcadis, promoting shared learning and eventually scaling the platform across the organisation, integrating the technology into standard workflows.